HCS Head Start Gives Parents Seat at Table

SPRINGFIELD — When Head Start began in 1965, its founders understood that parents are critical partners in its work to educate young children. They also understood that this partnership meant parents should help decide which services would most benefit their families and those in the community. As a result, Head Start created a formal leadership and policy-making role for parents and community members called the Policy Council.

Holyoke Chicopee Springfield (HCS) Head Start recently shared the election of the 2024-25 Policy Council composed of parents of currently enrolled children and members-at-large from the communities served by HCS Head Start, which may include parents of children who were formally enrolled.

This newly elected group of leaders includes Amber Cichowski, Massachusetts Head Start Assoc. (community representative); Chalen Vasquez, Parkside Early Learning Center, Ludlow; Cinnamon Smith, Westover Job Corps (community representative); Dakota Bailes, Westover Head Start Center, Chicopee; Fanny Perez, Mason Square Head Start and Early Head Start Center, Springfield; Gladys Rivera, Carew Street Head Start Center, Springfield; Jeimy Diaz, Churchill Head Start Center, Holyoke; Katherine Gasque, Madison Head Start and Early Head Start Center, Springfield; Milagros Arocho Pumarejo, Robinson Gardens Head Start Center, Springfield; and Sulema Chaj, Mason Square Head Start and Early Head Start Center, Springfield.

“I love working with Policy Council representatives,” said Nicole Blais, CEO of HCS Head Start. “Parents are key to the success of Head Start and Early Head Start programs. The Policy Council gives parents a seat at the table to make that difference. They help to keep our program responsive to the needs of our children and families. Also, parents get to see another side of program operations. We have witnessed the benefits of how this inclusive leadership allows us to work together to support the work done at Head Start everyday, particularly around program planning.”

Read the article on Business West’s website